MPN-MATE Advocates
Advocacy & awareness are two extremely important aspects of this website…
Every MPN afflicted person needs to be their own very best advocate and to realise that they too can live an almost completely normal life with a few relatively simple changes to their lifestyles. Those changes are not so earth-shattering, in fact, much of it is simply about out-dated dietary concepts and breaking a few bad habits…
In the Australian context, studies of the prevalence of MPNs are still in their embryonic stages. However, overseas there appears to be a significant increase in diagnosis of MPNs and for people with an MPN that means we need to learn how to better improve on our Quality of Life, (QoL), as we learn to ‘Live with our MPNs’ by better educating ourselves, (our families, carers & physicians), into understanding all the ramifications of having an MPN condition……
The three MPN patient founders of this website, (see below), believe the importance of following an anti-inflammatory diet of simple unprocessed foods, (like fruit & vegetables), coupled with consistent exercise, will naturally aid our longevity, in most instances…
However, we are all just a tad different from one another, and everyone is entitled to their own view of course…
Sydney, Australia
Post PV / MF 2017
Garry was diagnosed with Polycythaemia Rubra Vera (PV) in 2009. In 2017 Garry was reclassified as Myelofibrosis, (MF). Although concerned by this transformation, Garry maintains a positive approach, cycles weekly, and that has helped his fitness levels to stay above average…
Bunbury, Western Australia
Essential Thrombocythaemia (ET) 2015
Merry was diagnosed with ET in 2015. Merry is a dedicated mother in her mid 50s who still manages to work full-time, despite her MPN.
Since diagnosis, Merry has overcome a thrombotic event (cerebral venous thrombosis) as well as a nephrectomy (kidney removal) due to kidney cancer.
Merry is enormously thankful for the help and support she has received since contacting fellow MPN Mates and believes this website will prove invaluable in raising awareness and providing support to Australian’s with MPNs.
Please feel free to contact Merry via Mates Forum.
Sydney, Australia
Post ET / MF 2016
Steven was diagnosed in 2016, initially with ET and later reclassified to MF. Since having started a new anti-inflammatory diet and exercise regime, Steven has witnessed a molecular reversal in his bone marrow scarring from Grade2 down to Grade1.
Once only able to cycle around 5kms, in April 2021, Steven cycled over 600km in Five Days, the first major fundraising effort for MPN-MATE…
Happy to chat with anyone on the MATEs FORUM at any time, best wishes…